Sunday, November 8, 2009


Paige is in 2nd grade and really becoming a great reader. She is also learning to spell, but most of the time she still spells phonetically. I love this stage. Last week I felt like a broken record as I told the kids (for the gazillionth time) what they could and couldn't have for after school snacks. I must also add that Halloween was not that long ago and candy is still on their little minds. Candy is not considered an appropriate after school snack at our house. Anyway, after repeating myself yet again, I asked Paige to make a list to post to the refrigerator door. Here is her list of Healthy After-School Snacks... The photo is poor, so if you can't read it well - here is what she wrote: gogurts frut mufins cand pars carits uplsos cereal penit butr tost bred ches stiks penit butr and selre left over school lunches (Hannah) homemade granola (Hannah) pears (Hannah) Can anyone guess all 11 of Paige's items correctly?


Molly said...

Candy, candy, candy!! Gimme, gimme, gimme! I'm hearing the same story at my house.
What a great list. This must go in her file so she can smile about it when she's older. So, I have to admit, I got stuck on uplsos for a good minute but finally figured it's applesauce!
Sounds like you've come up with many tasty and healthy snacks. Forget the snickers bar, go for the canned pears!!!!! They're like candy!!!

Anonymous said...

That's amazing - she's going to be a great little reader. I loved reading that list. Go, Paige!