Unlike much of the country, we have had less than our normal amount of snow this winter. This has been a little disappointing for skiing. But it has been great for my running! Instead of toughing it out on the treadmill, my friends and I have been able to run outside. It's been wonderful -
early and
dark and
cold, but wonderful!
We are in week 13 of our
training schedule for the
Windermere Half Marathon in May. Things are going well and most days we meet our goal - thanks to Cassi, who is our goal setter, and Erin, who is our pace setter. Just to give you a glimpse of how we are preparing:
Tuesday we do an interval run. This week it was three mile intervals at 8:30 minute/mile pace - with a warm up and a cool down. It was tough and by the third mile interval I was breathing hard.
Thursday we do a moderate run at our goal pace for the race. This week it was 6 miles at a 9:55 minute/mile pace. It was a nice morning and at that pace we can carry on a conversation to keep our minds occupied. It is a great way to start the day!
I am scheduled to do a long run (anywhere from 7-15 miles) on Saturdays. But I am not doing the long runs yet because we are still skiing. Priorities, you know!
On Monday and Wednesday I cross train - usually a spin/sculpt and weight training/cardio class.
Fridays I ski with Kirk and Saturdays we ski with the girls.
On Sunday I take a nice nap (if the kids let me)!