Thursday, August 26, 2010

Got Milk?

I made my first purchase of raw milk this week. We drove to a small farm not far from our house - complete with barefoot children, chickens on the front porch & cows in the meadow. We spent $5 for a gallon of milk in a large olive jar from the fridge in the garage.
There are very strong opinions on both sides of the fence regarding raw milk. You can check the information from both sides and decide for yourselves. Many argue that raw milk is healthier. See this website for more details. The other side argues that pasteurization is essential in avoiding the risk of bacterial contamination. See this website for more details.
I'm not sure which side of the fence I sit on. I've always put a gallon of milk into my cart at WalMart and not thought too much more about it. So why the raw milk purchase???
When Kirk heard a friend mention she was buying raw milk, it reminded of him drinking raw milk growing up. He also reminisces about powdered milk (which he likes for some unknown reason). Two extremes, I know.
So we came home with a gallon of raw milk. What did the kids want for dinner? Cereal to go with it. Perfect. Kirk showed us how to skim off the cream and we had a delicious dinner.


Laurie said...

There are the perks of less hormones if it is a farm cow.....Which I am all for. Holy Cow!!! (ha,ha) Are your girls maturing super fast like mine??? Slow it down!!!
I remember the cream off the top....good stuff :)

Kim said...

My kids like the raw milk we have from our cow. Thanks goodess my brother-in-law and his family milk it. Most of the time I'm lazy and don't talk the cream off. My kids don't seem to mind either way.