Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Izzy

Izzy turned 3 this week.  Hard to believe our baby is not a baby.  Her independence is becoming more and more apparent.  She recently informed us that she won't be using the toddler plates or silverware anymore.  And a bib is out of the question.  She dresses herself at least 10 different times each day and refuses to wear anything that I might choose.  Consequently, she ends up with some interesting outfits. Her latest fashion statement is wearing different shoes on each foot.  Her favorite color is pink. 

She's been waiting for her birthday for months and wasn't disappointed. She insisted on helping make her birthday muffins (cupcakes). At our house the birthday girl gets to choose who says all of the prayers for the day. Izzy chose herself each time.


Verna said...

Happy Happy Birthday Izzy girl!!!

Molly said...

She is a treat! A darling cupcake herself! You can't help but adore this darling 3-year old. Picking herself for the prayers, what a doll.