Monday, April 20, 2009

1st Birthday

Happy Birthday Isabelle! I can hardly believe that a whole year has already gone by. When I look back, it's amazing to me how much you have learned in your short little life. What's more amazing to me is how much personality can be packed into such a little body. I love your cheesy smile, your teasing look, the way you kick and smile when your Dad walks in the room. I'm in love with the way you walk like a high stepper, squeal and belly laugh. I looked forward to this time when you would be more independent, could eat real food, call my name and get around on your own. But I miss those precious days when you were a newborn cooing and smiling for the first time. Although I appreciate a full night's sleep, I will treasure those nights when it was just you and me in a dark and quiet house snuggling in the rocking chair. You are my last baby and I have enjoyed every moment of your infancy. You are surrounded by three sisters who can't keep their hands off you. They will compete for your attention and are thrilled when you let them hold or entertain you. I couldn't imagine our family without you. You complete us in a way I would have never thought possible. I can't wait to see how you grow and progress from here. I love you, Isabelle.

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