Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Cob

Thanks to Whitby farms (Kim for thinking of me and Kennidi and Braden for the transportation and delivery), I spent this morning filling my freezer with sweet corn.  Hannah, Grandma and Izzy helped shuck the corn.  Then I blanched it and Rosemary helped me cut the corn off the cob. 

Here's a tip... place the cob upright on the center post of a bunt or angel food cake pan.  Then cut the corn off, letting it fall into the pan.  It makes things (somewhat) easier and less messy.

 Then I used my Grandma Vivian's recipe:
8 c. cut corn
1 cube butter
1 1/2 t. salt
2 T. sugar
1/2 c. water
Boil 5 minutes.  Cool and freeze in Ziploc bags.

** I modified the recipe by reducing the butter to 1/4 cup.  One cube sounded delicious, but my waistline just wouldn't appreciate it!
** I also modified the recipe by blanching my corn before mixing it with the butter, salt, sugar.  But my brother Bret said it is easier to cut the corn off before it's blanched.  I don't have enough corn experience to know.  Anyone have a preference?

So, thanks to the Whitby's, my freezer is now filled with 18 quart bags of delicious sweet corn.  I can't wait to heat them up for dinner this winter.  

And, of course, there were plenty of dishes to be done.  Unfortunately, my dishwasher is currently making ugly sounds, so I was forced to wash everything by hand. 


Jenny said...

holy cow I hear you on the dishes! Canning and freezing food makes such a mess!

Molly said...

Sweet Corn! Mmmmmm. My freezer is jealous of your freezer. =)