Monday, April 26, 2010

Bows and Arrows

Who says you need sons to shoot bows and arrows? Kirk has started the latest craze in our neighborhood. All of the kids love to come over and shoot. The goal is to get the arrows as far into the neighbors yard as possible - and they love it!


Jenny said...

We had bows and arrows as kids and we loved it too! Way to go Kirk and girls!

Eric & Jeni said...

Hi Kirsten! This looks like so much fun, someone would be seriously injured at our house! the grass stained knees and the dump truck in the background :)
BTW, just finished "The poisionwood Bible" we listened on our UT trip!

Laurie said...

uh-huh, my Sister, Jeni was signed onto my computer and I didn't know it the above was me :)