Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rough Morning

Paige is learning about responsibility... the hard way. This morning she just couldn't seem to stop playing and start getting ready for school. I try not to nag (although sometimes it just comes out, no matter how hard I try not to), so I gave a gentle 10 minute reminder before her ride was due to pick her up for school. Then I bit my tongue - several times - while she played, and talked, and looked for clips for her hair, and talked to Izzy, and played some more, etc. When her ride showed up she wasn't even close to ready.
I pulled out some Love and Logic techniques and said 'Oh no, it looks like you will miss your ride to school today. How do you think you will get there? I hope you don't miss anything important. That will be so sad.'
First Paige reacted with excuses... 'I was hurrying as fast as I could', 'Izzy was in my way', 'I can't find my socks'
Then with rage... 'I'm going to miss school and it's all your fault', etc.
Finally with pleading... 'When can you take me?'
My reply... 'Well, I'm taking Maren to preschool in 45 min. I'd be happy to drop you off on my way'.
When she realized this would result in her being tardy and possibly missing some school, she was in tears for quite some time. By the time I dropped her off at school, she was meek and repentant. I can't wait to see how early she gets ready for school tomorrow.
The problem with parenting is that it's never cut and dried. One minute I want to yell at her for not doing exactly what I say. The next, I want to do everything for her so . Someday (before they are all grown up) I hope I find that happy middle ground where I teach them to be responsible for themselves and also let them know how much I love and support them.


Jeanne and Nelson said...

Bishop says Paige is too sweet to be in any kind of trouble.

Kirsten said...

She is certainly sweet. Tell Bishop that it's rare for Paige to throw a tantrum in Sacrament meeting. At home, though, she is more at ease so show her emotions.

Molly said...

What a post. It would have been hard for me to follow through (just like you said you had to bite your tongue several times)but what a good lesson to learn. I love the pic your posted of Paige. What a beautiful photo and beautiful child.
Thanks for sharing your Mom-Moment with us. Reading this encouraged me to stick by my rules...the kids and the Mom will be happier in the end! Miss you!